Monday, January 4, 2010

The Prince of Mist set to publish in 2010

I may be the last to find out, but I just stumbled upon the fact that The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafon is set to be released on May 4, 2010 according to

The English cover is not yet available, but I am absolutely looking forward to reading more of Zafon's books.

The description (courtesy of Google Translate) doesn't necessarily stand out. It seems to be a story about a house haunted by the ghost of previous owner's son. And the mystery revolves around the strange circumstances of his death.

Still, I expect this may be enjoyable since I've learned to expect a lot from this author so I am definitely looking forward to this release.


  1. I have got to get off my butt and read Shadow!

    By the way, my wife is loving the Rhys Bowen books. Good call!

  2. Yay! I am very glad she liked them!
