Monday, April 6, 2009

New Acquisitions

I went on a tiny shopping spree at the other day and now there are four new books making their way towards me.

1. Eclipse 2 edited by Jonathan Strahan
I've been saying I'll get to reading this one and I finally ordered it. I am mostly looking forward to reading Exhalation by Ted Chiang, but I am sure there will be other excellent stories there as well.

2. Grimspace by Ann Aguirre
Sounds like a fun space adventure book. I've read a number of positive reviews, so I finally decided to pick it up.

3. The Briar King by Greg Keyes
It's a classic fantasy novel that is excellent by all accounts and I just have never gotten to. Time to fill up the education gaps and hopefully it will be as good as everyone thinks it is.

4. I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence by Amy Sedaris
This is a completely random pick. I just followed a link and the description sounded fun. A book of tips about how to throw a house party written very tongue in cheek by all accounts. I have been having a lot of guests over lately...

So the books are in the mail and I should get going on clearing some bookshelf space for these.


  1. Great pickups! I think you'll enjoy Eclipse 2. I haven't finished it yet but I've been impressed by several stories. Exhalation is great.

    I'll be interested in hearing about the Amy Sedaris book. I have listened to several of her brother's (David Sedaris) books on audio and they are poignant and hilarious.

  2. I've bought "The Briar King" and "Grimspace" after reading positive reviews, but still haven't read them yet.

    Look forward to your take on them.
