Friday, January 30, 2009
The Republic of Thieves Disappointment
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Heir to Sevenwaters

Author: Juliet Marillier
Genre: Fantasy, stand alone
Published: 2008
Recommendation: Must buy for fans of the Sevenwaters Trilogy and Celtic fantasy fans.
Rating: 8/10
Summary: Clogdah is the third child in a large family headed by Lord Sean of Sevenwaters. She is troubled since her mother has conceived another child late in life and her father is dealing with warring factions around their border. Clogdah runs the household, now also hosting her cousin Johnny and his men. Little does she know that soon she and mysterious Cathal, Johnny's warrior, will be plunged into the world of magic and fair folk.
Reactions: I've read Marillier's Sevenwaters trilogy years ago and I was very happy to return to the world of Sevenwaters. The book takes place several generations after the Sevenwaters trilogy and can be read as a stand-alone though a few characters from Sevewaters trilogy show up in the tale. To tie it to the previous books, there is a family chart at the beginning of my edition.
I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the book. The Sevenwaters holding is set next to a forest where the last of the Fair Folk live. The forest setting is lyrical and the descriptions of the estate are homey and comfortable. There are family dinners, children, animals, and picnics on the lake.
Clogdah is the third daughter of Lord Sean and Lady Aisling and while in the beginning of the book she manages the household, we immediately see that there's a lot of fire in her. Clogdah is smart, capable, and independent without being boyish which I find very attractive.
The book itself is hard to put down. I found myself reading it in 3 long sessions, some going late into the night because I just needed to stay with the story. The story is more character-driven than plot driven, but that doesn't make it any easier to put down. The plot had a fairy-talesque feel with clear distinctions of good and bad characters and plenty of magical artifacts. Yet, somehow, there is lots of thought and feeling hiding behind simple events.
To sum it up, Heir to Sevenwaters is a quick and very enjoyable read that I wouldn't pass up.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Moving and Virginia Woolf
Title: The Love of Reading
Author: Virginia Woolf
Genre: Essay
Rating: 9/10
Thoughts: I've never read anything by Virginia Woolf before and found this essay accidentally. Her writing style absolutely incredible. Somehow she manages to find words that give just the right shade of feelings to what she is trying to convey. At the same time reading the essay was easy and it really flowed.
In the essay she talks about why reading is important, the process of reading a book, and how she judges books. Not everyone would agree with her methods, but I definitely found a lot of what she was saying resonating with me. She speaks of suspending judgment while reading the book and letting the author carry you away with their narrative and only once the book is done judge the book as a whole.
An interesting essay, well-written, with a nice flow and a message I can support. It's also quite short, so don't be shy to give it a try even if it doesn't sound like your usual cup of tea.
Favorite Quote:
There they hang in the wardrobe of the mind - the shapes of the books we have read, like clothes that we have taken off and hung up to wait their season.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Guardian's Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels Everyone Must Read: The Meme
Guardian has been running a series called 1,000 Novels Everyone Must Read and has recently published their 124 149 science fiction and fantasy picks. (Links to intro. For the list, see Parts One, Two and Three.) They've also listed a couple of interesting articles: The Best Dystopias by Michael Moorcock, Imagined Worlds by Susanna Clarke, and Novels that predicted the future by Andrew Crumey.
- Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)
- Brian W Aldiss: Non-Stop (1958)
- Isaac Asimov: Foundation (1951)
- Margaret Atwood: The Blind Assassin (2000)
- Margaret Atwood: The Handmaid's Tale (1985)
- Paul Auster: In the Country of Last Things (1987)
- J.G. Ballard: The Drowned World (1962)
- J.G. Ballard: Crash (1973)
- J.G. Ballard: Millennium People (2003)
- Iain Banks: The Wasp Factory (1984)
- Iain M Banks: Consider Phlebas (1987)
- Clive Barker: Weaveworld (1987)
- Nicola Barker: Darkmans (2007)
- Stephen Baxter: The Time Ships (1995)
- Greg Bear: Darwin's Radio (1999)
- William Beckford: Vathek (1786)
- Alfred Bester: The Stars My Destination (1956)
- Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
- Poppy Z Brite: Lost Souls (1992)
- Charles Brockden Brown: Wieland (1798)
- Algis Budrys: Rogue Moon (1960)
- Mikhail Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita (1966)
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton: The Coming Race (1871)
- Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange (1960)
- Anthony Burgess: The End of the World News (1982)
- Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Princess of Mars (1912)
- William Burroughs: Naked Lunch (1959)
- Octavia Butler: Kindred (1979)
- Samuel Butler: Erewhon (1872)
- Italo Calvino: The Baron in the Trees (1957)
- Ramsey Campbell: The Influence (1988)
- Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865)
- Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871)
- Angela Carter: Nights at the Circus (1984)
- Angela Carter: The Passion of New Eve (1977)
- Michael Chabon: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (2000)
- Arthur C Clarke: Childhood's End (1953)
- GK Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday (1908)
- Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (2004)
- Michael G Coney: Hello Summer, Goodbye (1975)
- Douglas Coupland: Girlfriend in a Coma (1998)
- Mark Danielewski: House of Leaves (2000)
- Marie Darrieussecq: Pig Tales (1996)
- Samuel R Delaney: The Einstein Intersection (1967)
- Philip K Dick: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968)
- Philip K Dick: The Man in the High Castle (1962)
- Thomas M Disch: Camp Concentration (1968)
- Umberto Eco: Foucault's Pendulum (1988)
- Michel Faber: Under the Skin (2000)
- John Fowles: The Magus (1966)
- Neil Gaiman: American Gods (2001)
- Alan Garner: Red Shift (1973)
- William Gibson: Neuromancer (1984)
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Herland (1915)
- William Golding: Lord of the Flies (1954)
- Joe Haldeman: The Forever War (1974)
- M John Harrison: Light (2002)
- Nathaniel Hawthorne: The House of the Seven Gables (1851)
- Robert A Heinlein: Stranger in a Strange Land (1961)
- Frank Herbert: Dune (1965)
- Hermann Hesse: The Glass Bead Game (1943)
- Russell Hoban: Riddley Walker (1980)
- James Hogg: The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner (1824)
- Michel Houellebecq: Atomised (1998)
- Aldous Huxley: Brave New World (1932)
- Kazuo Ishiguro: The Unconsoled (1995)
- Shirley Jackson: The Haunting of Hill House (1959)
- Henry James: The Turn of the Screw (1898)
- PD James: The Children of Men (1992)
- Richard Jefferies: After London; Or, Wild England (1885)
- Gwyneth Jones: Bold as Love (2001)
- Franz Kafka: The Trial (1925)
- Daniel Keyes: Flowers for Algernon (1966)
- Stephen King: The Shining (1977)
- Marghanita Laski: The Victorian Chaise-longue (1953)
- CS Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia (1950-56) (Book 1 at least)
- Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu: Uncle Silas (1864)
- Stanislaw Lem: Solaris (1961)
- Ursula K Le Guin: The Earthsea series (1968-1990)
- Ursula K Le Guin: The Left Hand of Darkness (1969)
- Doris Lessing: Memoirs of a Survivor (1974)
- MG Lewis: The Monk (1796)
- David Lindsay: A Voyage to Arcturus (1920)
- Ken MacLeod: The Night Sessions (2008)
- Hilary Mantel: Beyond Black (2005)
- Michael Marshall Smith: Only Forward (1994)
- Richard Matheson: I Am Legend (1954)
- Charles Maturin: Melmoth the Wanderer (1820)
- Patrick McCabe: The Butcher Boy (1992)
- Cormac McCarthy: The Road (2006)
- Jed Mercurio: Ascent (2007)
- China Miéville: The Scar (2002)
- Andrew Miller: Ingenious Pain (1997)
- Walter M Miller Jr: A Canticle for Leibowitz (1960)
- David Mitchell: Cloud Atlas (2004)
- Michael Moorcock: Mother London (1988)
- William Morris: News From Nowhere (1890)
- Toni Morrison: Beloved (1987)
- Haruki Murakami: The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (1995)
- Vladimir Nabokov: Ada or Ardor (1969)
- Audrey Niffenegger: The Time Traveler's Wife (2003)
- Larry Niven: Ringworld (1970)
- Jeff Noon: Vurt (1993)
- Flann O'Brien: The Third Policeman (1967)
- Ben Okri: The Famished Road (1991)
- George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-four (1949)
- Chuck Palahniuk: Fight Club (1996)
- Thomas Love Peacock: Nightmare Abbey (1818)
- Mervyn Peake: Titus Groan (1946)
- Frederik Pohl & CM Kornbluth: The Space Merchants (1953)
- John Cowper Powys: A Glastonbury Romance (1932)
- Terry Pratchett: The Discworld series (1983- ) (A few of them)
- Christopher Priest: The Prestige (1995)
- Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials (1995-2000)
- François Rabelais: Gargantua and Pantagruel (1532-34)
- Ann Radcliffe: The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794)
- Alastair Reynolds: Revelation Space (2000)
- Kim Stanley Robinson: The Years of Rice and Salt (2002)
- JK Rowling: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997)
- Geoff Ryman: Air (2005)
- Salman Rushdie: The Satanic Verses (1988)
- Joanna Russ: The Female Man (1975)
- Antoine de Sainte-Exupéry: The Little Prince (1943)
- José Saramago: Blindness (1995)
- Will Self: How the Dead Live (2000)
- Mary Shelley: Frankenstein (1818)
- Dan Simmons: Hyperion (1989)
- Olaf Stapledon: Star Maker (1937)
- Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash (1992)
- Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886)
- Bram Stoker: Dracula (1897)
- Rupert Thomson: The Insult (1996)
- JRR Tolkien: The Hobbit (1937)
- JRR Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings (1954-55)
- Mark Twain: A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court (1889)
- Kurt Vonnegut: Sirens of Titan (1959)
- Horace Walpole: The Castle of Otranto (1764)
- Robert Walser: Institute Benjamenta (1909)
- Sylvia Townsend Warner: Lolly Willowes (1926)
- Sarah Waters: Affinity (1999)
- HG Wells: The Time Machine (1895)
- HG Wells: The War of the Worlds (1898)
- TH White: The Sword in the Stone (1938)
- Angus Wilson: The Old Men at the Zoo (1961)
- Gene Wolfe: The Book of the New Sun (1980-83)
- Virginia Woolf: Orlando (1928)
- John Wyndham: Day of the Triffids (1951)
- John Wyndham: The Midwich Cuckoos (1957)
- Yevgeny Zamyatin: We (1924)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Battlestar Galactica, Season 4
Monday, January 19, 2009
Out of This World Mini-Challenge Wrap-Up
Sunday, January 18, 2009
When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth
The Nine Billion Names of God
The Crystal Spheres
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Falling Onto Mars
Author: Geoffrey A. Landis
The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate
Author: Ted Chiang
Published: The Subterranean Press, 2007
Url: (Read by James Campanella)
Unfortunately the full-text got taken down, I am glad I saved a copy.
Rating: 10/10
Thoughts: I loved this story! I am not surprised it has won both Hugo Award for Best Novelette and Nebula Award for Best Novelette in 2008. The story is lyrical, poignant, and at the same time examines the questions of time travel and human nature.
The premise of the story is that a man in Baghdad discovers a shop at the back of which there is a gate that will allow one to travel 20 years into the future. Before the main character makes up his decision on whether he wants to try the gate, the shopkeeper tells several tales of other people who have done the journey previously.
The Cold Equations
What's Expected of Us
Thursday, January 15, 2009
One More Reader Quiz
Your Personality: All-Rounder!
Your responses showed you fitting equally into all four reading personalities:
Involved Reader: You don't just love to read books, you love to readabout books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase - discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.
Exacting Reader: You love books but you rarely have as much time to read as you'd like - so you're very particular about the books you choose.
Serial Reader: Once you discover a favorite writer you tend to stick with him/her through thick and thin.
Eclectic Reader: You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.

Ted Chiang
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Storm Front

Favourite Quote:
Yet there was something about her that revved my engines, something about the way she held her head or shaped her words that bypassed my brain and went straight to my hormones.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Urban Fantasy Land Readers' Choice Awards
Monday, January 12, 2009
Gripping Books Forum at The Dragon Federation
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Urban Fantasy
6. The book has a strong woman character. But only one. You’d think a genre that supposedly celebrates kick-ass women ought to be able to have more than one per series. You’d think a genre that’s supposed to be all about empowering women would be able to pass the Bechdel Test more often. The test: The story in question has 1) at least two women, 2) who talk to each other, 3) about something other than men.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Book Reviewers Linkup Meme
My list of fantasy and sf book reviewers is woefully out of date. I need your help to fix that. But rather than go through the hassle of having you send me recommendations or sticking them in comments, what you can do is take the following list and stick it on your website, then add yourself to the list, preferably in alphabetical order. That way, I will be able to track it across the web from back links, and can add each new blog to my roll as it comes along. So take this list, add it to your blog, and add a link to your blog on it. If you are already on the list, repost this meme at your blog so others can see it, and find new blogs from the links others put up on their blogs. Everybody wins! Be sure to send the list around to others as well. There is an easy to copy window of all the links and text at the bottom of this post to make it even simpler to do.I would be ever so grateful if you would help me out.
My additions to the list are in bold:
7 Foot Shelves
The Accidental Bard
A Boy Goes on a Journey
A Dribble Of Ink
A Hoyden's Look at Literature
Adventures in Reading
The Agony Column
Andromeda Spaceways
The Antick Musings of G.B.H. Hornswoggler, Gent.
Ask Daphne
Australia Specfic in Focus
Author 2 Author
Barbara Martin
Bees (and Books) on the Knob
Bibliophile Stalker
The Billion Light-Year Bookshelf
Bitten by Books
The Black Library Blog
Blog, Jvstin Style
Blood of the Muse
The Book Bind
The Book Smugglers
The Book Swede
Breeni Books
Cheaper Ironies [pro columnist]
Cheryl's Musings
Confessions of a book Whore
Critical Mass
The Crotchety Old Fan
Damien G. Walter
Danger Gal
Dark Wolf Fantasy Reviews
Darque Reviews
Dave Brendon's Fantasy and Sci-Fi Weblog
Dear Author
The Deckled Edge
Dragons, Heroes and Wizards
The Discriminating Fangirl
Dusk Before the Dawn
Enter the Octopus
Eve's Alexandria
Fantastic Reviews
Fantastic Reviews Blog
Fantasy Book Critic
Fantasy Cafe
Fantasy Debut
Fantasy Book Reviews and News
Fantasy and Sci-fi Lovin' Blog
Feminist SF - The Blog!
The Fix
The Foghorn Review
Frances Writes
From a Sci-Fi Standpoint
Fruitless Recursion
Fyrefly's Book Blog
The Galaxy Express
The Gamer Rat
Genre Reviews
Graeme's Fantasy Book Review
Grasping for the Wind
The Green Man Review
Gripping Books
Highlander's Book Reviews
The Hub Magazine
Hyperpat's Hyper Day
Ink and Keys
Jumpdrives and Cantrips
Lair of the Undead Rat
League of Reluctant Adults
The Lensman's Children
Literary Escapism
Michele Lee's Book Love
The Mistress of Ancient Revelry
MIT Science Fiction Society
Monster Librarian
More Words, Deeper Hole
Mostly Harmless Books
My Favourite Books
Neth Space
The New Book Review
OF Blog of the Fallen
The Old Bat's Belfry
Outside of a Dog
Pat's Fantasy Hotlist
Piaw's Blog
Post-Weird Thoughts
Publisher's Weekly
Reading the Leaves
Realms of Speculative Fiction
Reviewer X
The Road Not Taken
Rob's Blog o' Stuff
Robots and Vamps
Sandstorm Reviews
Sci Fi Wire
Sci-Fi Fan Letter
Sci-Fi Songs [Musical Reviews]
The Sequential Rat
Severian's Fantastic Worlds
SF Diplomat
SF Gospel
SF Revu
SF Signal
SF Site
SFF World's Book Reviews
Silver Reviews
The Specusphere
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books
Speculative Fiction
Speculative Fiction Junkie
Speculative Horizons
Spiral Galaxy Reviews
Spontaneous Derivation
Sporadic Book Reviews
Stella Matutina
The Sudden Curve
The Sword Review
Tangent Online
Tehani Wessely
Temple Library Reviews [also a publisher]
True Science Fiction
Urban Fantasy Land
Vast and Cool and Unsympathetic
Variety SF
Walker of Worlds
Wands and Worlds
The Wertzone
With Intent to Commit Horror
WJ Fantasy Reviews
The World in a Satin Bag
Young Adult Science Fiction
Foreign Language (other than English)
Cititor SF [Romanian, but with English Translation] [French]
Foundation of Krantas [Chinese (traditional)]
The SF Commonwealth Office in Taiwan [Chinese (traditional) with some English essays]
Yenchin's Lair [Chinese (traditional)]
Interstellar [Danish] [Danish]
Scifisiden [Danish]
Aguarras [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Fernando Trevisan [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Human 2.0 [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Life and Times of a Talkative Bookworm [Brazilian, Porteguese]
Ponto De Convergencia [Brazilian, Portuguese]
pós-estranho [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Skavis [Brazilian, Portuguese]
Fantasy Seiten [German, Deustche]
Fantasy Buch [German, Deustche]
Literaturschock [German, Deustche]
Welt der fantasy [German, Deustche]
Bibliotheka Phantastika [German, Deustche]
SF Basar [German, Deustche]
Phantastick News [German, Deustche]
X-zine [German, Deustche]
Buchwum [German, Deustche]
Phantastick Couch [German, Deustche]
Wetterspitze [German, Deustche]
Fantasy News [German, Deustche]
Fantasy Faszination [German, Deustche]
Fantasy Guide [German, Deustche]
Zwergen Reich [German, Deustche]
Fiction Fantasy [German, Deustche]
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Out of This World Mini-Challenge

Monday, January 5, 2009
$1 free ebooks from Orbit
Orbit – in partnership with a number of major ebook vendors – has launched a promotion offering one ebook for sale each month at the introductory price of $1.00. At the end of the promotional month the cost of the ebook returns to its standard price and a new book will be offered at the discount. Details of the promotion are at
The promotion will include The Way of Shadows by debut author Brent Weeks, Empress by Karen Miller, as well as classics of science fiction such as Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks.
VP and Publisher of Orbit Tim Holman said: “We believe that this promotion will give readers a great opportunity to discover new writers. Most of our consumer marketing has an online focus, and the digital marketplace offers the perfect platform for price-promotion initiatives such as this. It will be very exciting to see how effective it is. The range of titles chosen for the promotion includes a mix of frontlist and backlist, from both new and established authors, and we will be monitoring the performance of every title very closely.”
A list of titles that will be available at the discount price can be found at
Launched in the US in 2007, Orbit is the Science Fiction and Fantasy imprint at Hachette Book Group.
The book they are offering in January is The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks. I've read the book in December and I heartily recommend it. Despite a rather cliche summary for the book, it's well written, interesting, has some excellent characters and a good plot. Basically, downloading the book for $1 is a steal. I already purchased the second book in the series and it's one of the top books to pick up next.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
What Kind of Reader Are You?
What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Literate Good Citizen You read to inform or entertain yourself, but you're not nerdy about it. You've read most major classics (in school) and you have a favorite genre or two. | |
Dedicated Reader | |
Book Snob | |
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm | |
Fad Reader | |
Non-Reader | |
What Kind of Reader Are You? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
What kind of reader are you? Comment!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Reading Goals for 2009
I do hope I will get to a variety of books this year. In addition to fantasy (urban and heroic) which I tend to read quite a bit of, I hope to get to a few sci-fi novels, some historical fiction, and a few classic novels. I will also try to finish reading some non-fiction books that I've started last year. Those tend to go a bit slower. Well, isn't it time to read?
The Killing Dance

Published: 1997
Recommendation: For fans of the series who enjoyed the plots and the mysteries, you can skip this one. If you want more of Anita, Jean-Claude, Richard romance, then it's a book for you. For those who haven't read the series, this book wouldn't work well as a stand-alone.
Rating: 6/10
Summary: Edward calls up Anita to let her know someone has tried to hire him to kill her for half a million dollars. He comes into town to serve as her bodyguard and several attempts on her life end up with the assassins dead, but they don't stop coming. At the same time Richard is still facing the dominance fight with Marcus. And Jean-Claude has not given up on Anita.
Reactions: Sadly, the series seems to be going downhill. Most of the book focuses on the love triangle between Jean-Claude, Anita, and Marcus. A lot of pages are spent working up the tension between everyone involved. For the first time in the series there are some quite explicit sex scenes. I may have been complaining that it wasn't very modern of Anita to not have sex, but in this book the plot gave way to the romance and I wouldn't call it an improvement. Way too much time is spent on everyone's sexy outfits and describing various body parts.
While some of the books had decent plot twists at the end, I found this one to be obvious from the moment we find out there is a time-based contract on Anita. There are a few small surprises along the way, but not nearly enough time is spent on the mystery. In addition, Anita becomes more of a killing machine in this book than in the previous ones. There used to be more deduction involved, but in this case she just shoots her way through until the end of the novel.
I am considering whether to stop reading the series. While Dexter is an interesting show, watching a character I once liked deteriorate to the point of a sociopath is disappointing.
First Line: The most beautiful corpse I'd ever seen was sitting behind my desk.
Bloody Bones

Series: Anita Blake Vampire Hunter, Book 5
Published: 1996
Recommendation: Still worth reading as part of the series.
Rating: 6.5/10
Summary: Anita gets hired to raise a whole cemetery worth of corpses to figure out the land ownership. At the same time, a number of vampire killings happen in the area and Anita is called to investigate. Anita, Larry, Jason (a werewolf introduced in the previous book), and Jean-Claude take a stand against vampires and the fey.
Reactions: This book is in many ways similar to other ones: there is a mystery, there are murders, there is a powerful villain, and plenty of other monsters. As usual, there is a romance/sexual tension angle with Anita and Jean-Claude. However, the biggest change I felt during the book is how far Anita slipped from the principles she held in the first few books. It used to go along the lines of "I will not betray humans to monsters", but became more of, "You have tried to go against me, you deserve to die." Hamilton juxtaposes Larry's moral stance to make this very clear. I have a feeling Anita will just continue to deteriorate in the future books. Is it really good to have a hero, who is not so much a hero anymore? It's not about flawed characters, Anita had enough flaws to start with, but she seems to be moving across the line where I am starting to sympathize with her enemies a little.
So far it is still a fun read. However, several other reviews of the series I have seen mentioned that the series is only worth reading until book 7 or 8. I will still be reading the next book in the series, but I feel this book is the first warning that I will not be reading the whole series.
First Lines: It was St. Patrick's Day, and the only green I was wearing was a button that read, "Pinch me and you're dead meat."
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Lunatic Cafe

Author: Laurell Hamilton
Series: Anita Blake Vampire Hunter, Book 4
Published: 1996
Recommendation: If you haven't read any Anita Blake books yet, start with Guilty Pleasures, for those reading the series, a fun continuation of the saga.
Rating: 7/10
Summary: Anita finds out that her shapeshifter boyfriend, Richard, is in the middle of a power struggle to become a pack leader. At the same time, she is given a case by Marcus, the current pack leader, to find 8 missing lycanthropes (shapeshifters). The assignment plunges her in the middle of lycanthrope politics and as usual there is also a murder investigation to help police with.
The book also progresses with Anita's love story. Richard proposes to Anita and she says "Yes" and then pretty much immediately gets cold feet. Jean Claude finds out and insists that he will kill Richard unless Anita goes out on a dozen dates with him as well. One detail of this whole mess is that Anita is refusing to have sex until marriage. The reasoning given is that a boyfriend she slept with in college dumped her. Apparently, the man who will have sex with her first will irrevocably have her heart in this matter. This felt very out of character for Anita, who is quite modern in her views when it comes to everything else. I also felt that Jean-Claude complication was a little over the top and the ease with which Anita agreed to date both men at the same time was a big relationship fail on her part.
Speaking of modern views, I find Anita's relationship with religion fairly amusing. She is portrayed as a believer, because "An atheist waving a cross at a vampire was a truly pitiful sight." and she can use her cross to protect herself. However, she takes switching from being Catholic to Episcopalian pretty easily when all animators(zombie raisers) are excommunicated. It's mentioned that she goes to church on Sunday (except for the days where she is too busy killing something), but to me she feels completely atheistic especially when it comes to her views on relationships and killing.
Despite some characterization I disagree with, the book is a fun quick read with some new creatures introduced and insights into lycanthropes and I will be moving on to the next book in the series.
First Lines: It was two weeks before Christmas. A slow time of year for raising the dead.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Awaiting in 2009
- The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss (April 7, 2009).
The second installment in The Kingkiller Chronicle. The first book of the series, The Name of the Wind, was one of my favourite reads of 2008 and I can't wait for more adventures of Kvothe. I have also been following Patrick Rothfuss's blog and has been delighted with his love for Joss Whedon. I just hope there aren't any more delays to getting this book out. Also check out the excerpt from the new novel.
- Naamah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carey (June 2009)
Jacqueline Carey returns with a new book set in Terre d'Ange. There are currently two other 3-book series set in the world. The first series, starting with Kushiel's Dart follows the adventures of Phedre, a courtesan, a spy, and many others things to boot. The second series, Kushiel's Legacy, follows Phedre's adopted son. Both series are well-written, fun, and impossible to put down. I have great hopes for the new book. - The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch (February 24, 2009)
The third installment following the adventures of Locke Lamora, a thief who takes pleasure in stealing from the rich in inventive ways while facing dangers at every turn.
- White Witch, Black Curse by Kim Harrison (February 24, 2009)
This is the seventh book of The Hollows series. A fairly typical urban fantasy series following Rachel Morgan, a witch, who starts a detective agency together with a vampire Ivy. The third partner in the firm is a pixy Jenks. Other fun characters also become regulars. Despite following the urban fantasy formula, the series is a really fun read and the characters become so dear, you can't stop following their adventures.
Noticing how the last two books are coming out on the same data, I have already placed an amazon order for them. Can't wait to start on 2009 releases!